Friendship 3)

I was back in the library reading room the other day, after a few weeks’s absence. I got stuck into a demanding edit, preparing for the upcoming publication of my latest book, when I suddenly sensed the presence beside me of a tall figure and let out a muffled cry of surprise. Whenever I am completely absorbed in something, I have tunnel vision; no-one exists in that universe I’m in. I looked up and saw a familiar face: my library friend, the man with the wild red hair who ‘sees.’  He smiled, his eyes lit up as they always do, but he was hesitant as he knew he’d disturbed me. Rather than words, he simply leant down, put his arm around me and his face against my cheek, and then returned to his table across the room. I went back to my work with a smile on my own face.


Friendship 3) — 1 Comment

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